26 September 2013

This is a basic tutorial in R for switching between the two most common data formats: wide and long. The example dataset we will use is made up of RT-PCR threshold cycle (Ct) values under two conditions (A and B), with two replicates each.

Download the file by running this in your command line:

wget https://raw.github.com/nachocab/nachocab.github.io/master/assets/pcr.txt

Once you have the file, open up an R session and load it in a variable. Instead of creating multiple variables, we will be proactive and create a list variable d that will hold them all. This makes them much easier to manage.

d <- list()
d$wide <- read.csv("pcr.txt", sep = "\t") # columns are separated by tabs
#       gene    A1    A2    B1    B2
# 1   GENE_1 35.41 36.60 29.96 29.73
# 2   GENE_2 36.60 23.45 24.39 24.74
# 3   GENE_3 29.96 23.30 32.17 25.94
# 4   GENE_4 29.73 22.84 31.66 26.22
# 5   GENE_5 34.46 22.79 31.39 24.75
# 6   GENE_6 35.66 21.37 31.34 24.72
# 7   GENE_7 33.28 21.74 31.10 25.39
# 8   GENE_8 33.03 22.96 30.90 25.65
# 9   GENE_9 26.58 22.87 31.14 30.57
# 10 GENE_10 26.05 25.18 31.03 29.99
# 11 CONTROL 26.60 25.60 26.03 25.79

This variable is formatted in the typical style used in spreadsheets (it is known as wide format because each data group corresponds to a different column), but for some calculations it is easier to use a more redundant format called a long format because each data item corresponds to a different row.

The easiest way to convert from wide to long is to use the reshape2 package.

# Install the package

# And use it
d$long <- melt(d$wide) # Using gene as id variables
# rename the columns
colnames(d$long) <- c("gene", "sample_id", "ct_value")

#       gene sample_id ct_value
# 1   GENE_1        A1    35.41
# 2   GENE_2        A1    36.60
# 3   GENE_3        A1    29.96
# 4   GENE_4        A1    29.73
# 5   GENE_5        A1    34.46
# 6   GENE_6        A1    35.66
# 7   GENE_7        A1    33.28
# 8   GENE_8        A1    33.03
# 9   GENE_9        A1    26.58
# 10 GENE_10        A1    26.05
# 11 CONTROL        A1    26.60
# 12  GENE_1        A2    36.60
# 13  GENE_2        A2    23.45
# 14  GENE_3        A2    23.30
# 15  GENE_4        A2    22.84
# 16  GENE_5        A2    22.79
# 17  GENE_6        A2    21.37
# 18  GENE_7        A2    21.74
# 19  GENE_8        A2    22.96
# 20  GENE_9        A2    22.87
# 21 GENE_10        A2    25.18
# ...

The long format makes it easy to perform operations on subsets of the data. For example, say we want to calculate the mean of the A samples for each gene. First we will need an extra variable to distinguish between the sample groups. We can create it by simply removing the numbers from sample_id.

# The `gsub` function has three arguments: the pattern, the replacement and the input. Run ?gsub for more info.
d$long$sample_group <- gsub("\\d", "", d$long$sample_id)

#       gene sample_id ct_value sample_group
# ...
# 19  GENE_8        A2    22.96            A
# 20  GENE_9        A2    22.87            A
# 21 GENE_10        A2    25.18            A
# 22 CONTROL        A2    25.60            A
# 23  GENE_1        B1    29.96            B
# 24  GENE_2        B1    24.39            B
# 25  GENE_3        B1    32.17            B
# 26  GENE_4        B1    31.66            B
# 27  GENE_5        B1    31.39            B
# ...

NOTE: In R, backslashes \ in regular expressions must be escaped with an extra backslash (for example, \\d).

Now we can use the aggregate function to calculate the mean Ct value and standard deviation for each gene under each condition.

d$long_by_group <- aggregate(ct_value ~ sample_group + gene, data = d$long, mean)
colnames(d$long_by_group)[3] <- "mean_ct_value"
d$long_by_group$sd <- aggregate(ct_value ~ sample_group + gene, data = d$long, sd)[,3]

#    sample_group    gene mean_ct_value        sd
# 1             A CONTROL        26.100  0.707107
# 2             B CONTROL        25.910  0.169706
# 3             A  GENE_1        36.005  0.841457
# 4             B  GENE_1        29.845  0.162635
# 5             A GENE_10        25.615  0.615183
# 6             B GENE_10        30.510  0.735391
# ...

This function is a bit unwieldy (for example, it reorders the rows and changes the column names), so it’s worth to pay attention to what the output looks like. The tilde ~ expression is called a formula, you can read more about it here.

Now that we have calculated the mean and standard deviation for each gene-sample_group pair, it is easy to convert them back to wide format using dcast, a function from the reshape2 package.

d$wide_mean_by_group <- dcast(d$long_by_group, gene ~ sample_group, value.var = "mean_ct_value")

#       gene      A      B
# 1  CONTROL 26.100 25.910
# 2   GENE_1 36.005 29.845
# 3  GENE_10 25.615 30.510
# 4   GENE_2 30.025 24.565
# 5   GENE_3 26.630 29.055
# 6   GENE_4 26.285 28.940
# 7   GENE_5 28.625 28.070
# 8   GENE_6 28.515 28.030
# 9   GENE_7 27.510 28.245
# 10  GENE_8 27.995 28.275
# 11  GENE_9 24.725 30.855

d$wide_sd_by_group <- dcast(d$long_by_group, gene ~ sample_group, value.var = "sd")

#       gene         A        B
# 1  CONTROL  0.707107 0.169706
# 2   GENE_1  0.841457 0.162635
# 3  GENE_10  0.615183 0.735391
# 4   GENE_2  9.298454 0.247487
# 5   GENE_3  4.709331 4.405275
# 6   GENE_4  4.871966 3.846661
# 7   GENE_5  8.251936 4.695189
# 8   GENE_6 10.104556 4.681047
# 9   GENE_7  8.160012 4.037580
# 10  GENE_8  7.120565 3.712311
# 11  GENE_9  2.623366 0.403051

An easy way to remember how to use the formula in dcast is to think row ~ column. In our case, we have a row for each gene, and a column for each sample group.